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  • Arushi Garg

Terror strikes in the heart of London

Updated: Jul 12, 2019

A police officer looking at the crime scene (Pic: The Spectator)

Five people have been killed and 50 injured in a terror attack in Westminster. Among the people killed were four pedestrians and one police officer. The attacker was fatally shot by the police officers and is yet to be identified.

The incident took place at approximately 14.40 GMT just outside the Palace of Westminster where the unidentified man drove a car into the pavement where numerous people were walking.

After the car crashed on the railing, the attacker then ran towards the Houses of Parliament with a knife. It was at that time, the police officer who was unarmed when attacked was killed.

PC Keith Palmer was fatally wounded and since then various tributes have been flooding the internet.

Theresa May commented: “The location of the place was no accident."

The British Prime Minister said: "The terrorist chose to strike at the heart of our capital city where people of all nationalities, religions and cultures come together to celebrate the values of liberty, democracy and freedom of speech."

World leaders have collectively been sharing their condolences after the incident.

Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump felt that terrorism should be dealt with “toughness and strength!"

Also, footage has emerged from the crime scene and many onlookers have described the event in graphic detail.

"It was very clearly a deliberate act. The way he turned the car to change the direction," said Kylie Smith, a teacher accompanying students when the incident took place.

A couple who were walking on the pavement when the episode occurred have been injured and one has since died.

Ms Smith recalled: “The car came towards them. The man tried to pull his girlfriend behind him, tried to shield her from the impact.

“The man went over the car and just flew up in the air.” she said.

Tawhid Tanim told The Independent that he heard three gun shots 15m away from Café Nero where he was waiting for his friends.

Conservative MP Adam Holloway, who witnessed the scene at the moment, said: “A lot of us are locked in with our staff at the moment. All I could hear was a loud shot, a gunshot or something, it was bang bang bang.”

After the horrific event the investigation is in full swing with the task of identifying the attacker underway.


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